President’s Congratulatory Message

The Ipoh ACS Alumni Association – Singapore Chapter

[Just established on 3rd October, 2012 in Singapore. The initial 3 lead initiators, Mr. James Lim Jit Teng, Dr. Yip Yeng Yoong and Ms. Rina Lean were joined by Mr. Michael Hor, Ms. Lee Wai Lam and Ms Ruth Fok, to form the Pro-tem Committee . Rina is the Secretary and Wai Lam, the Treasurer.
Below is the full text of the President’s congratulatory message addressed to Dr. Yip, the Chairman.]

Dear Yeng Yoong,

On behalf of our Executive Committee it gives me great pleasure to extend to you and the pro-tem committee our heartiest congratulations on the setting up of our Ipoh ACS Alumni Association – Singapore Chapter.

The formation of alumni chapters locally and overseas – long an elusive notion and far too long overdue – could only be brought to reality with the launch of our website in April this year spurring a revival of inter-alumni communication and interest. My brief discussions with you and James on the subject during our Annual Dinner on 4th August in Ipoh proved to be most fortuituous. It is most gratifying that barely 2 months on, 3rd October precisely, we now have our first Ipoh ACS Alumni Chapter – a certainly unprecedented occurrence presaging more to follow.

It is befitting that Singapore takes the lead. The largest concentration of our ACS diaspora outside of Malaysia is in Singapore. There is also, our common link of shared heritage and intuitively close person-to-person relationships. Our founding fathers, many revered teachers and even a few alumni served in schools in both the territories. There was much co-mingling then as the various Methodist schools came together to test their mettle in the spirit of friendly competition in annual games. We hope that through your sterling efforts all the Old Salts in Singapore will be brought into one closely knitted community in the Ipoh ACS spirit of “Friends Forever”. Following from that, our aspiration must be the forging of strong relations with alumni every where and other Chapters.

Your team’s drive and abilities are truly inspiring and we can now look forward with great optimism to achieving similar success in Sydney and in Vancouver, our intended next ports of call.

The emergence of our national and global network of chapters is timely as the alma mater prepares itself for the 120th Anniversary, in August 2015, a mere 3 years away. Work will begin soon on planning for a celebration befitting of the School’s stature and distinguished history. Please work with us in this endeavour and celebrate with us the outcome.

I wish you much success in your endeavours.

Best regards,
Lean Meng Seong

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