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Appreciate if correction could be made to Hsu King Bee’s email address which should read kbgenf06@gmail.com and not kbgenfo6@gmail.com
Yes, amendment made.
Have a nice day.
Please amend my details in your membership record and where are they now pages
My name should be Cheng Leaw See
Not Cheng Lean See
My email address is leawseecheng@hotmail.com
Not leanseecheng@hotmail.com
I am residing in Melbourne , Australia
My qualification :- Master Applied Science Sonography (RMIT), Graduate Diploma Ultrasonography, Graduate Diploma Education(university of Melbourne), Diploma College of Radiography ( London )
Retired Chief Radiographer of Radar Medical Imaging , Melbourne
Please also make amendment to the membership record
I left ACS 1969 form 6 Upper Science A
I was in Horley Hall 1966 to 1969
Like to say hi to all old boarders and Mr Brian Fernander
Like to hear from anyone please email me at