MESSAGE NO. 15/2015



My dear Fellow Alumni,

The end of Year 2015 is drawing near to a close.  May I take this opportunity to convey to everyone the best of the Season’s greetings.  Happy holidays and happy celebrations.

The 4th Quarter after a hectic period of celebrations in the earlier months, was a comparative lull.  Let me briefly summarise what transpired in this Quarter.


The 12th celebratory event, the Alumni Fellowship Golf Tournament, was held on 1st November at the Royal Perak Golf Club.  There were all winners, no losers.  Thanks to our various generous sponsors.  There was a surplus generated at this event.

Various Classes of different Years took the opportunity to bring together their class- mates in separate spirited celebrations additional to their attendance of the Alumni Dinner held on Saturday, 1st August this year.

The Class of Form 5 1965 held their Grand Golden Reunion Dinner on Sunday, 1st November in Ipoh.  Some 12 former teachers were invited to the 6 tables sit-down Dinner at Overseas Restaurant.  Not to be outdone, the Class of 1963/1965 held a 4 series Dinner alternating between Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh.  The respective Classes to which Dr. Lai Thian Seong, Chairman of our Board of Governors and Mr. Lau Wun Chew, our Membership Director belong, had their own sizeable dinners in Ipoh too.


Our Alumni Website continues to be popularly accessed.  The following figures will bear that out:-

Total Visitors         22,355

Total Hits                98,105

Countries                     127

Both our Facebook and Instagram draw increasingly big numbers of viewers, more of the younger crowd, including present students.


Our membership strength has now reached 813 (including 26 Associate Members).  A remarkable jump from 285 members about 3 years or so ago.  Most of the new members are from either outstation or overseas.


We are working with various stakeholders to restore ACS Ipoh to a premier school.  This is necessary to shore up student recruitment and quality.  Without these attained, the longevity of our Alma Mater cannot be vouched for.


We are in the course of planning the next Annual General Meeting.  It will be timed for either the 2nd or 3rd week of March next year.  The AGM will vote in our Alumni EXCO for the next term, Years 2016/2018.  More about that later.

With best regards,

Datuk Lean Meng Seong

Alumni President

27th December 2015


One Response to MESSAGE NO. 15/2015

  1. Akbar says:

    nice share, may i to ask Is there anything special about everything you want to say from the bottom of your heart?

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