MESSAGE No. 10/2014

MESSAGE No. 10/2014

I am pleased to have the opportunity to touch upon a number of highlights in this Quarterly report.


Despite the extended Hari Raya festive holidays and many of our regular patrons being away for family commitments, we garnered 53 tables. There was much merriment and camaraderie. Class 1985 dominated their presence with 11 tables. For the first time, all the 300 replica school badges were sold. Thanks to Jennifer Ng for sponsoring the badges. A record high dinner surplus was achieved – much needed for shoring up our Alumni funds to a decent level. The Golf Tournament was well participated.

A word of thanks to all the kind sponsors and donors. With your contributions we were able to invite retired principals and teachers to come for our dinner event as non-paying guests.

We shall endeavour to put together unprecedentedly 3 days of celebrations next year (31st July to 2nd August 2015) to commemorate the 120th Anniversary of the founding of our Alma Mater.


Tony Pun and his team did well to marshal Old Salts from different corners of the country for their annual get-together in Melbourne on 31st August this year. Their pictorial record clearly shows how well the event was received. Next year’s can only be better.


The 11th October Dinner with no less than 77 participants – only 2 years into the formation of the Chapter –was a remarkable event. Congratulations to Dr. Yip YengYoong and his impassioned team for their superb organization and hospitality. Our Alumni EXCO was represented at this event as it was relatively easy to hop over the causeway to attend.

We recruited 34 life members that night. A very good response considering that a fair number of the diners are already life members.

A very large number of Old Salts are resident in this compact City State. This should augur well for theChapter’s growth.


This year’s ceremony will be held on Thursday, 30th October during the School Assembly at 7.30 a.m. . A total of 7 awards will be presented. All other academic and sports awards were presented a month or so earlier during the Annual Speech Day event.


We finalized the award of 6 scholarships to Sixth Form students, thus bringing the total awards this year to 40 scholarships worth RM32,400. This year’s awards are the largest.

All the awards are funded by Old Salts. In view of the escalating costs of living, there is a need to increase the financial value of each of the awards next year. Your generous contributions are most welcome.

At the Singapore Chapter’s recent dinner event, a start has been made to launch a scholarship fund, the proceeds of which will be channeled beginning next year to deserving students.


Our membership strength has grown by 48 new members this 3rd Quarter, largely from the 45 new members we recruited at our 2nd August Alumni Dinner. As at the time of writing this report, we have 673 members. A strong spate of growth has taken place over the last 2 and the half years or so. At that time we only had 285 members.

Let’s work towards increasing our membership roll to 1,000 by next year. We need a strong voice and presence to restore the glory days of Ipoh ACS.


As at 30th September 2014, our Alumni Website received 83,064 hits from 16,490 visitors as compared to 79,232 hits from 15,101 visitors 3 months ago. They came from 94 countries, 10 more than 3 months ago. (All these are cumulative figures.)


As we move into the 4th Quarter and as the season of cheers and good tidings draw near, let us renew our efforts to re-connect with our former classmates and live up to our Ipoh ACS spirit.


Lean MengSeong

Alumni President

26th October 2014

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